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How To Effectively Write An Influencer Brief

A man and woman are looking at a laptop whilst writing an Influencer Brief.

Always have an influencer brief

When working with influencers, it’s tempting to think “they know what they’re doing, it’ll be fine!” While that’s true, not having a clear influencer brief can lead to missed opportunities, misunderstandings and disappointment.

It can also mean that your partnership doesn’t work out as well as you’d like. To make the most of your partnership, and create effective content it’s always best to have an Influencer brief in place.

What Is An Influencer Brief?

An influencer brief is basically a reference point that an influencer can use when working with your brand. It outlines the key points of the partnership, along with essential information and deliverables that they need to be aware of. It helps to manage expectations, build relationships and get results.

While you’ll want to leave some space in the brief for the influencer to express their creativity and do what they do best, there are some things that you should definitely include when you’re looking to effectively brief an influencer:

What should you include in your influencer brief?

Share information about the brand, the campaign and products so that the influencer is clear, informed and understands more about your brand. Make sure to include your brand values, USP’s and goals.

Share Expectations

Make sure that you share what you’re looking for as part of the partnership and the role that you’d like them to play in this. This level of clarity and expectation-setting can be the difference between a long-term relationship with an influencer vs a one-off.

Include Some Inspo

Share some examples (links and visuals are great) of the type of creative content that you’re looking for in the campaign. If there’s any content that you really don’t want associated with your brand then it’s a good idea to share that too.

Campaign Content

The influencer will need all of the essentials for the campaign so that they’re clear on what you want. Include important information when you want them to publish, hashtags, tags and any wording that you want included in captions (especially when it comes to disclosure and regulations). Share any do’s and don’ts that they’ll need to know about for the campaign such as specific wording or ways to take photos. This avoids confusion and misinterpretation.

Be Clear on Deadlines

Make sure that the influencer is aware of deadlines for drafts, ideas and content to be live. This way you know when to expect content and the influencer knows when they need to create it – even more important if you’re working with more than one influencer.

Follow Up

While you can measure your campaign from the brand side, and there are some visible metrics such as likes and comments, if you want the influencer to share results with you at a later date then make sure this is laid out in the contract to avoid awkward follow-ups later on. Measurement is key for evaluating campaign and influencer partnership success.

Include Payment Info

Set out the amount of payment, terms, method of payment and timelines to manage expectations about when and how they’ll receive payment for their work. This avoids any confusion or frustration around payment at a later date and reduces the need for follow-up about payment.

If you would like more in-depth advice about creating an influencer brief, get in touch! We’d love to help you to find the perfect influencer to help you reach your goals.