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How to Plan an effective Influencer Marketing Campaign 

With the increasing use of social media across the world, more and more individuals are becoming influencers. 

Many brands are choosing to invest in influencers because many of them have loyal followers. People who trust their favourite influencer’s opinions. For this reason, influencer marketing is proving to be an effective strategy for businesses and brands to increase visibility and generate more sales. 

Influencer marketing involves brands partnering with content creators to promote their products and drive sales in return for free products, one-off payments, or long-term sponsored partnerships. Influencers can be bloggers or social media content creators. 

Here are some tips to consider before starting an Influencer marketing campaign.

Define Your Goals 

Before reaching out to influencers, you need to first define what your goals are. Do you want to generate more leads? Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you focused on sales? 

The answers to these questions will determine which influencers you reach out to collaborate with. 

Find Influencers That Fit Your Brand 

The next step in your influencing marketing strategy should be finding influencers that are within your niche. 

Find influencers who fit well with your brand and share the same values. It’s also important to establish the size of influencer you want to work with (macro, micro, or nano). Those with a larger following will usually charge more for their content, so keep your budget in mind when researching which influencers to work with. 

At eaeo, we use our experience and bespoke Influencer analysis tools to determine who is right for your brand. We take into consideration your KPIs, long-term marketing goals, and core values to identify the most suitable and effective Influencers for your campaign!

Reach Out 

Once you’ve determined who you want to work with, you need to have a strategy for reaching out to them. 

Create a pitch. This is what the influencer will read before they decide whether or not to accept your offer, so it needs to show your brand in the best light. 

Your pitch should inform the influencer of who you are, your brand’s values, and details of the campaign or project you want them to contribute to. It’s also a good idea to make every pitch personal. Add in the influencer’s name, mention a post of theirs that you loved or a YouTube video you enjoyed. 

Your pitch should be simple and short. Include the necessary details about the potential collaboration, and be sure to point out what they will gain from working with you.

At eaeo, we can take the hard work off your hands by doing it for you. Our extensive experience speaking to thousands of creators means that we can deal with your campaign effectively and professionally, avoiding any mistakes.

Review Your Strategy 

The final stages of your influencer marketing strategy come when the collaboration is live. Any business or brand that is working with influencers needs to constantly monitor and analyse how it is going. Is the influencer keeping up with their requirements for the partnership? Have they generated several leads or boosted sales? If not, can you put anything in place to help them out? Reviewing your strategy is important to know what’s working well, and what needs changing. 

At eaeo, we constantly review and adapt our strategy during your campaign to optimise for the best results. Following the campaign, we provide you with an in-depth report that takes a deep dive into every metric to gain a comprehensive overview of what was successful and how this data can be used for future campaigns.

Following these steps above will help you with an effective influencer marketing strategy. It’s not always easy approaching influencers, especially if your brand is new and fairly unknown. However, investing in content creators is especially important for smaller brands to help them grow an audience.

Get in touch with the team here at eaeo to see how we can help you launch your own Influencer campaign!