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Is Influencer Marketing Effective? How to Measure the True Power of Influence!

If you’d have asked a business what influencer marketing was even five years ago, they would have looked at you with a blank expression.

Fast forward to the present day, influencer marketing is now one of the most popular methods that brands use to increase their visibility. At eaeo, we always recommend for businesses consider using influencers as part of their marketing strategy to get their name in front of their target audience through the use of social media. 

Influencer marketing involves using influencers to promote a brand’s products or services through social media. As it’s a fairly new concept, many business owners are reluctant to hire influencers as part of their marketing strategy. They are concerned as to whether influencer marketing is as effective as traditional online advertising.

However, data from Mediakix shows that 80% of marketers find using influencers effectively, and over half agree that the traffic driven to a brand through influencers is better than other marketing methods. With these statistics in mind, we recommend that brands set aside a budget to spend on influencer collaborations this year.

So, what makes influencer marketing so effective?

Influencers Are Trusted

Influencer marketing is effective because these content creators have built a loyal audience who trust their opinions. These influencers are known as experts or authority figures within their niches. Brands are therefore able to reach specific target audiences.

It’s Authentic and Engaging

Another reason to use influencers as part of your marketing strategy is that they are authentic with their content. Influencers can promote brands that they love, and they often have creative control over their content. Consumers trust their favourite influencer’s opinions over any paid advertisements that they might come across online. This increases their engagement with the posts and encourages them to check out the brand.

It’s Less Annoying for Consumers

Although influencer marketing does come at a cost, it can work out much cheaper than traditional online advertising, and the results maybe even better than using paid methods. Consumers don’t like when an ad pops up on their screens and interrupts what they’re doing. In fact, many people now use ad blockers whilst using the internet.

However, these consumers have willingly followed specific influencers they like, so they are more likely to engage with their posts, even if it is a brand collaboration.

Increased ROI

When you use influencers within your industry to promote your brand, you are reaching your target audience. Their followers will be interested in your products or services because they’ve followed specific influencers within your niche. This increases engagement and ROI.

More and more brands are becoming aware of the power of influencer marketing, with over 65% of marketers planning to increase their budget to spend on influencers. If you need help forming your influencer marketing strategy or finding the right influencers to work with, contact the team here at each&everyone today!